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Please send the amount to the address below:
You should pay for the transaction fee PLUS the amount below
Amount to send
Our Address

Payment Details

FFG amount you get:
Amount in USD:
Your FFG address:
Payment id:
Contact us at [email protected] if you need any help or join our Discord
* Click the Copy button to copy the amount or address
** Please use the Ethereum network for USDT and USDC coins ( ERC-20 )

Buy FFG Coins

Buying FFG coins is as simple as selecting your payment method (BNB, USDT, BTC, ETH, USDC), choosing the desired amount of FFG coins you want to buy, entering your FFG wallet address, and clicking "Continue".
I want to buy with
Amount of FFG coins you want
Please provide a valid amount
calculating amount
0 0
Your FFG wallet address to receive coins
Please provide a valid address.
If you don't have a wallet address, you can download the Mobile Wallet or FileFileGo UI to create a wallet address. download
Please wait while we prepare payment details
* Please be advised that users are required to comply with the rules and regulations of their respective countries when purchasing FFG coins.