Decentralized Storage & Data Sharing Network

A Peer-to-peer, censorship-resistant, and a privacy-focused data storage & sharing network

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Mainnet is live
* filefilego combines the strength of Usenet, Blockchain/Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Ethereum concepts), DHT, and innovations behind the BitTorrent protocol to form a decentralized network.

How FileFileGo Works

The Network

1 Blockchain verifiers are responsible for running the PoA/PoS consensus algorithm and seal blocks which are then broadcasted to the network.

2 Data verifiers are part of the Proof of Transfer (PoX) and Proof of Data Possession (PoDP) consensus mechanisms. The participating nodes of the network achieve consensus on the validity of data transfer between "Storage Providers" and other nodes.

3 Storage providers utilize the Storage engine to host data that are referenced by the blockchain channels.

The Architecture

1 The core component of filefilego is the blockchain itself which currently uses PoA consensus mechanism and soon migrates to PoS (Proof-of-Stake). Libp2p is utilized for peer-to-peer communication and networking.

2 With Proof of Transfer (PoX), we make it possible to verify that data have been transferred from one node to another without downloading a copy of it. We use novel data structures and cryptography to perform the verification process.

3 Off-chain data integration with the blockchain allows us to store arbitrary-length files off-chain and link them to on-chain entities. Storage engine exposes an API that allows DApps and programs to upload data to the node with a proper authorization mechanism.

4 Search accuracy and flexibility are as important as the core blockchain. Our implementation supports complex queries including binary searches using a specific query language.

Use Cases

In filefilego's data network, relationships of hierarchical data are represented using an abstraction model which is similar to Unix's "Everything is a file" concept.

Decentralized Storage

In filefilego, you can distribute data across multiple nodes for increased security, resilience, and accessibility. Start your storage node to join our global network.

File Sharing

File/data sharing is the building block of filefilego. You can browse and access different channels or create your own channel to organize and share data with other people or machines.

Data Marketplace

Filefilego can be used as a marketplace that facilitates the buying and selling of data. Data owners can create their dedicated channels and monetize their data.

Roadmap and Progress

Project Management and Development Board
  • February, 2021

    Initial idea, research and feasibility study

    The decentralized data sharing network's journey began with the conception of the initial idea, followed by a thorough feasibility assessment, development of a minimum viable product (MVP) and proof of concept (POC), testing and iteration, alpha and beta releases, community engagement, security and scalability enhancements, public release, continuous improvement, and ecosystem expansion.

  • 10 March, 2021

    FileFileGo v0.1 CLI implementation

    We initiated the construction of the CLI using Golang and proceeded with the implementation of the blockchain and core logic components.

  • April, 2021

    FileFileGo UI implementation

    In order to facilitate user interaction with the blockchain, it was necessary to develop a comprehensive user interface (UI) encompassing the wallet and all the functionalities provided.

  • 22 November, 2021

    Completion of Wallet and CLI POC

    By this stage, we had successfully developed a proof of concept and attained a functional version of filefilego.

  • 20 May, 2022

    Testnet launch

    filefilego's testnet was launched. We discovered the bugs and improvement needed for the system to go to production.

  • May 2022-2023

    FileFileGo v1 Development

    From the experience gained developing the MVP, we decided to rewrite the software in a modular and extensive way.

  • 1 April, 2023

    Main-net launch

    At this stage we are running filefilego in production.

  • May, 2023

    Mobile Wallet

    We released the mobile wallet which can be used to manage keys and send/receive coins.

  • May-June, 2023

    Release of FileFileGo UI and online payment system

    FileFileGo UI was re-written from scratch and released on windows, linux and macOS. We also released our payment system where users can buy FFG coins through our website.

  • 🔮🕒 Future

  • ongoing

    Improvements, improvements and improvements

    There is always room for improvement. We go through the software and track issues/bugs and try to fix them in short iterations with new releases.

  • July-September 2023

    Marketing and incentive programs

    We will focus on marketing and creating incentive programs for storage providers to join the network so we can increase the capacity of our network storage.

  • October 2023

    Exchange listing initiatives

    Filefilego listing on trusted exchanges.

  • December 2023

    Additional API developments and Proof-of-Stake implementation.

    The goal is to develop additional APIs in popular programming languages to allow software use the filefilego network programmatically.

  • January 2024

    Cross-chain Protocol Development

    Moving forward we plan on developing cross-chain protocols to allow filefilego communicate with other blockchains and transfer any asset.

Why FileFileGo ?

All the components of filefilego are decentralized and communicate in a Peer-to-peer model rather than a Client-Server model where the server or domain/DNS is the central point of failure. With this design, filefilego tolerates thousands of node failures.
XDCC, BitTorrent, FTP, HTTP are only Transport and communication protocols, whereas filefilego a set of specifications and implementations that form a network that consists of Transport and communication protocols (transfer data between nodes), blockchain, and application logic ( public ledger and the file-sharing logic ), full-text search engine and a storage layer for off-chain data.
Encrypted traffic to prevent ISPs and other third parties from traffic inspection. Privacy-first design, to relay traffic through a set of intermediate peers.
In filefilego its up to the storage provider to decide between a free or a paid model. You only pay for usage without any subscription and a recurring payment.
With the above model in place, storage providers have the incentives to store and retain data for longer periods.

FileFileGo UI

Single application to manage wallet addresses and downloads

Using FileFileGo UI you can send and receive native FFG coins and interact with the features of the network such as data downloads.


You can download pre-built binaries or install from the source code. We provide detailed compilation and installation instructions for each operating system/platform.

Install from source code

Skip this section if you have already downloaded and installed the above binaries.

How to compile and install

FileFileGo CLI Client

INFO[0003] Verifying blocks
INFO[0004] Finished verifying blocks
INFO[0004] Blockchain height: 120949
INFO[0004] Last block
INFO[0004] Peerstore count 25
INFO[0004] Syncing node with other peers
INFO[0014] Preparing block for mining
INFO[0014] MemPool size 0
INFO[0014] Broadcasting nodes: 25
INFO[0014] New block broadcasted by verifiers

Running A Full Node

A full node is a program that fully validates transactions and blocks. All full nodes also help the network by accepting transactions and blocks from other full nodes, validating those transactions and blocks, and then relaying them to other full nodes. Please check the documentation for running a full node.